Friday, June 20, 2014

dresses for uganda

I was able to participate in something really amazing at my church this week.  About 100 ladies met one evening and after enjoying a nice meal together, we sewed together.  We sewed pillowcase dresses for the little girls at the Rakai Children's village in Uganda.  Our church sends groups there several times a year.  My class at school sponsored one of the students, Lillian, as our Christmas gift to each other this year.  I'm hoping some day to go there myself and meet Lillian. 

There were 32 sewing machines going and then many ladies cutting fabric, ironing, stringing ribbon through, and sizing and sorting dresses.  My cutting partner and I made 7 dresses- we had a system and major flow going.  I don't know the number of the total dresses, but if each machine made even 5 dresses in the evening, that's a bunch of little girls in pretty dresses come August. 

This isn't all of the  dresses.  I think many ladies were keeping theirs at their station to deliver them all at once.  While the goal was quantity, I kept seeing dresses come in with little added special details.   I loved that because it meant that the ladies were concerned with how pretty and special each dress was.  They wanted each little girl to love her dress and think it was the best.  I made a really pretty pink paisley one for Lillian.  I'll just pretend she's the one who gets it.

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